World Champion dinner

Every World Championship should end with a fancy dinner at the St Francis Yacht Club. (Well, Monaco Yacht Club would be okay too 🙂 Shirts with collars and jackets for the men, appropriate evening attire for women. As it should be.

The event featured a “leaders jersey”, which we all signed, to be given to the winners…

Big TVs everywhere with cool shots a videos from the regatta…

Is that us? Can’t tell…

The commodore welcomes everyone. Again it was said: “St Francis YC loves the 505 Fleet, come back anytime”. And I’m sure we will 🙂

Christophe Favreau, who took all those amazing shots you see here, captured in action.

The sole team from Poland captured the “Miss Congeniality” award! Among other things, they were the ones who got hung up on the starting mark in the final day.

2023 505-Class World Champs Mike Martin and Adam Lowry.

With Silver Medalists Eric Anderson and Nick Baird, their training partners.

A great event. This was Mike Martin’s 5th World Championship. We’ll see if we can get a bit closer next time… Sweden!